News Release

Global: Daikin announces Strategic Management Plan "FUSION 25"

Realizing growth of the Daikin Group by leading the AC industry in low carbonization and contributing to a sustainable society

Daikin Industries, Ltd. has recently formulated its strategic management plan "FUSION 25," which extends from fiscal year 2021 to fiscal year 2025.

In recent years, enormous structural changes have occurred in the economy, industry, and society with faster-than-expected speed and variability. These changes have widely impacted the business activities of the Daikin Group and even the way people live their lives.

With the growing importance of environmental and social contributions, companies are called upon to not only pursue profits but also to take the initiative in resolving the social issues set forth in the SDGs. At the same time, customer needs and values have changed, including a shift from goods to experiences, and market needs have expanded for indoor air quality and ventilation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, digital technology advances have greatly impacted corporate activities, and their transformation of business activities has become an issue.

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