News Release

Daikin Welcomes University of Tokyo Students’ Visit to New Sustainability and Innovation Center

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Daikin U.S. Corporation convened its second Open House at the company’s new Daikin Sustainability and Innovation Center (DSIC), welcoming students from the University of Tokyo on August 25th. More than 20 students met and heard from Daikin executives, government officials, and academic figures on the importance of coordination between public, private, and academic sectors to develop next-generation heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigerant technologies that have a positive environmental impact.

Daikin Sustainability and Innovation Center Tour

“We’re thrilled to welcome students from the University of Tokyo, helping them broaden their international perspectives and introducing them to key stakeholders in Washington D.C. Daikin sees opening collaborative efforts across borders and educational institutions as crucial to fostering important dialogues and realizing environmental goals,” said David Calabrese, senior vice president of government affairs for Daikin U.S. “These bright students will one day serve as leaders across the public and private sectors, so it’s vital that we give them all the necessary tools and resources to succeed. As a technology leader in the HVAC&R sector, Daikin is always looking for new ways to support students in their professional journeys.”

Visitors to DSIC, located steps from the White House, have the opportunity to view the company’s heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) technologies, including innovative inverter heat pumps, refrigerants with lower global potential, and IEQ (indoor environment quality) technologies.



Media Contact:
Daikin U.S. Corporation
Erika Mimura

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